Interested in participating in Project Reset?
Click on the borough where you were arrested to learn more.
Project Reset and Reset+ can be completed in one or two sessions. If you complete, the District Attorney's Office will decline to prosecute or dismiss your case and you will not have to appear in court. The record of your arrest will be sealed, and you will not get a criminal record for this case.
If you do not complete the programming or choose not to participate, you should appear in court on the date listed on your desk appearance ticket. There is no penalty for not completing the programming.
Project Reset is a pre-court diversion from the traditional justice system that connects participants to community, resources, and themselves.
Our client centered programming gives voice to our participants, lends transparency to the criminal justice system, and helps individuals navigate their arrest experience.
As a project of the Center for Justice Innovation, we are committed to the ongoing work of making our program anti-racist, trauma informed, and anti-oppressive.